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Constitution 1 of 2

1. Club Constitution



1.1 The club shall be called Kent County Netball Club (hereinafter called the Club).


2.1 The club shall be affiliated to Kent Netball Association and the All England Netball Association Limited.


3.1 The objectives of the Club shall be to provide for its Members a greater knowledge and understanding of the game of netball. This shall include providing sporting, coaching and umpiring opportunities within the game, especially the development of skills and fitness, and to promote goodwill and friendship within the Club and other bodies having similar aims.

3.2 The Club Executive Committee shall have the power to do any other act directly and necessarily connected to the achievement of the objectives, including effecting insurance, the raising of funds, and to invite and receive contributions.


4.1 The Club shall consist of the Officers and the Members.

4.2 Membership of the Club shall be granted by the Executive Committee. The Club has an open policy and no Member will receive less favourable treatment on the grounds of gender, marital status, social class, colour, race, ethnic origin, religious belief, sexual identity or disability, or will be disadvantaged by conditions which are not relevant to performance.

4.3 In accepting membership a person agrees to abide by the constitution of the Club and the rulings of the Club Executive Committee.

4.4 Members over the age of 19 on 31st August at the start of each season shall be considered as Senior Members.

4.5 Members between the ages of 15 and 19 as at midnight on 31st August at the start of each season shall be considered as Youth Members.

4.6 Members under the age of 15 as at midnight on 31st August at the start of each season shall be considered as Junior Members.

4.7 Members under the age of 12 as at midnight on 31st August at the start of each season shall be considered as Mini Members.

4.8 Mini, Junior and Youth Members shall have no voting rights.

4.9 Members may resign from membership at any time by giving notice to the Secretary.


5.1 Membership fees will be set by the Executive Committee; fee levels will be distinguished between Senior Members, Youth Members, Junior Members and Mini Members.

5.2 Annual membership fees fall due on the day of Club trials each year, and are payable to the Club Treasurer.

5.3 The Club Executive Committee may grant concessions regarding the amount and method of payment of membership fees, and decide upon other charges or subscriptions at its discretion.


6.1 The Officers of the Club shall be as follows: Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Officials Manager, Senior Club Coach, Junior Club Coach, Safeguarding Officer, Volunteer Coordinator, Junior Representative, Coach Development Officer, Umpire Development Officer, Website & Publicity Officer, Events & Fundraising Officer.

6.2 These Officers shall hold office for a period of 12 months, being elected annually at the Club Annual General Meeting (see clauses 9.3 and 9.4). All officers shall retire annually but shall be eligible for reappointment.

6.3 Any casual vacancy occurring may be filled by the Executive Committee.


7.1 The management of the Club shall be vested in the Executive Committee.

7.2 The Executive Committee shall act for the Members. Liabilities incurred shall fall upon the membership (provided the Executive Committee act in accordance with the constitution in honesty and good faith).

7.3 The Executive Committee shall comprise: Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Senior Club Coach, Junior Club Coach, Officials Manager.

7.4 Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be convened by the Secretary and the committee shall meet as required. Other Officers and Members of the Club may be invited to attend meetings, but may not vote.

7.5 Prior to the meeting the Secretary will circulate an agenda. Only items listed on the agenda may be voted upon at the meeting.

7.6 The quorum for the transaction of business at Executive Committee meetings shall be three Members eligible to vote.

7.7 Every decision at a meeting of the Executive Committee shall be determined by a majority of the Members present and eligible to vote, with every voting Member having one vote. In the event of an equality of votes the Chair of the meeting shall have a casting vote.

7.8 The interpretation of the Club constitution shall be vested in the Executive Committee, who shall decide all questions relating to the Club, save those involving an amendment to the constitution (see clause 11).

7.9 The Executive Committee shall be responsible for considering any application for membership and shall decide if this application should be accepted. The decision shall be in accordance with a non-discriminatory policy specified in clause 4.2.

7.10 Trials selectors will be appointed by the Executive Committee. The Senior Club Coach will be a selector for all senior teams, the Junior Club Coach will be a selector for all junior teams. The Captains of each team will be appointed by the selectors at Club trials. Should a vacancy arise during the year a new Captain will be appointed by agreement of at least two of the selectors.


8.1 All monies raised by or on behalf of the Club shall be applied to further the objectives of the Club and for no other purpose.

8.2 The Club Treasurer is responsible for the management of the Club’s finances in accordance with the decisions of the Executive Committee.

8.3 On the request of the Executive Committee the Club Treasurer should produce a written financial report to any meeting.

8.4 Proper accounts shall be kept of all sums of money received and paid out by the Club, and shall be available for all reasonable inspection and independent review.

8.5 A statement of accounts shall be presented at the Annual General Meeting of the Club, for the period from the previous Annual General Meeting, up to and including the date of the Annual General Meeting.

8.6 The funds of the Club shall be lodged at a bank or building society in an account in the name of the Club, and all cheques drawn on this account shall be signed by the Treasurer and a member of the Executive Committee.


9.1 The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Club shall be held every year when the statement of accounts (see clause 8.5) will be presented together with reports from all the Officers of the Club.

9.2 Not less than fourteen days notice of the date of the AGM shall be given to all Members by the Secretary.

9.3 The Members attending the AGM and eligible to vote shall elect such Officers of the Club as it may from time to time determine.

9.4 Nominations for Officers must be received in writing by the Secretary no less than seven days prior to the AGM, and shall require the support of two Members. Nominations can only be accepted from persons eligible to vote at the AGM (see clause 9.5).

9.5 All fully paid-up Senior Members shall be entitled to vote at general meetings of the Club and shall have equal voting rights. A motion shall be carried by a simple majority of those present and voting except where the motion is a constitutional amendment (see clause 11) which shall require a two-thirds majority.

9.6 Meetings shall be chaired by the Chairman (or other member of the Executive Committee if s/he is not present) and the Chairman shall have a casting vote in addition to a deliberative vote.

9.7 The quorum for general meetings shall be ten Members present and eligible to vote.

9.8 An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) may be called by an application in writing to the Secretary signed by not less than seven Members. The Executive Committee shall have the power to call an EGM by decision of a simple majority of its Members.

9.9 An EGM shall be held within fourteen days of receipt of a valid requisition. Not less than ten days notice of the date of the EGM shall be given to all Members by the Secretary.

9.10 The requisition should state the purpose of the meeting and the proposal that is to be voted on by the members. Only proposals listed on the requisition can be voted on at an EGM. More than one requisition can be discussed and voted upon at the same EGM.


10.1 The Executive Committee shall have the power to take appropriate disciplinary action against any Member and shall have the authority to terminate the membership of any Member found guilty of conduct deemed to be to the detriment of the Club, or contrary to any Club code of conduct.

10.2 There shall be the right to appeal to the Executive Committee against any decision made by an Officer of the Club. The appeal shall be considered within fourteen days of it being received by the Secretary.

10.3 In all cases of issues concerning the safeguarding of Youth and Junior Members, all Members are expected to adhere to the procedures set out in the England Netball publication “Be Safe: A Good Practice Guide”. A copy of this document is provided on the Club website, the England Netball website or can be provided to any Member on request to the Safeguarding Officer or Secretary.


11.1 This constitution shall be reviewed on a minimum of a three yearly basis.

11.2 Amendments to the constitution shall only be agreed at the Annual General Meeting and shall require a two-thirds majority of Members present and eligible to vote.

11.3 Additions to or alterations of the constitution shall be submitted to the Secretary with two signatures, not less than ten days before the date of the Annual General Meeting. No resolution involving an amendment to the constitution may be proposed or amended from the floor of a meeting.


12.1 The Club may be wound up on a resolution of the Members, passed by a four-fifths majority at an EGM convened for that purpose with the required notice given to all Members.

12.2 Such resolution may give instructions for the disposal of any assets, provided that if any property remains after the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities such property shall not be paid to or distributed amongst the Members, but shall be given or transferred to such institutions having objectives similar to some or all of the objectives of the Club.